벤 호건 레전드 선수가 말씀하셨던 것처럼 오른쪽 팔꿈치의 움직임은 굉장히 중요합니다 오른팔 안쪽 팔꿈치가 타겟 방향으로 다운스윙 해주세요 다운스윙의 궤도가 바뀌실 거예요☺️👍
As Ben Hogan, the legendary player, once said, the movement of the right elbow is crucial. Move your right elbow inside towards the target direction in the downswing. You will see a change in the path of your downswing.☺️👍
#golf #golflessons #golfswing #golfer #ゴルフレッスン #고정웅프로의꿀팁